You’ve probably heard of a Realtor association but aren’t sure if it’s worth joining one. Personally, we see plenty of unmatched benefits in you being a member. Consider joining the state’s association and one of our strong local groups, too. Here are just five reasons we think it’s certainly worth it.
- Networking with other professionals in the real estate industry: Joining your local Realtor association is a great way to connect with experienced real estate professionals that can provide valuable insight and resources. Networking can also grow your client base when people refer their friends to you as a Realtor. Networking can be difficult, but we’ve found this article with some great tips. One way you can stand out while networking is to really listen to people. This may sound simple, but remembering specific details about who you’ve met can go a long way.
- Access to exclusive benefits: Associations typically offer members exclusive discounts on products and services that can help reduce overall costs. Be sure to join and check out all the offers that the National Association of Realtors has here.
- Professional and personal development: These groups provide members with access to seminars, webinars and other educational resources that can help them stay up-to-date on the latest real estate trends and practices. The Michigan Association of Realtors and Indiana Association of Realtors have a lot of upcoming events that are sure to be helpful and informative.
- Stay informed on industry regulations: They keep members informed on the latest laws and regulations related to the real estate industry. The National Association of Realtors often sends out news releases to help you stay informed. They even have a magazine and newsletters.
- Opportunity to give back: Finally, joining a local Realtor association is a great way to give back to your community and make a positive impact. Many associations have programs and initiatives that help those in need, and members can join in and help out.
As a Realtor, it’s important to have these great resources at the local, state and national levels. It’s just as important to have the tools and expertise of a great closing and title service company behind you. At Transnation Title, we pride ourselves on having the best resources for home buyers, sellers, lenders and Realtors like yourself to keep everyone protected during this important process. Contact us today to start securing your clients’ future.