Like all of you, the Transnation Title team has gratitude on our minds this month. We hope you’ve been taking some time over the last few weeks to think about all that you’re grateful for. For our Realtor friends, we know that you’re probably feeling especially thankful for your clients. While the holiday season is a great opportunity to express your gratitude, it’s important to your business that your clients feel appreciated now and always. By developing and nurturing client relationships all year long, you can improve your clients’ well-being and motivate them to return the kindness back to you.

Here are five ideas for you to show your clients you’re grateful for them:

1. Send a handwritten note – With everyone texting these days, a handwritten note goes a long way. It can be short and sweet, but make it personalized and meaningful.

2. Host a customer appreciation week – Ask your customers how they want to be thanked and then spend the week doing things for them. This can include giveaways or fun events.

3. Check in with clients – Follow-up is super important, especially for new customers. Be sure to send personalized emails instead of just an auto-response.

4. Support the interest, work and businesses of your clients – Make working with you a two-way street by partnering with customers’ businesses to do co-campaigns, donating to local causes and even referring clients to other clients’ businesses.

5. Sweat the small stuff – A great customer service experience is in the details. Make sure you’re always helping your clients as much as you can.

Using these and other strategies will help you build loyalty with your current customers and make them want to refer other people to you as well.

This holiday season, we’re thankful for you and your business, and we hope that when your clients are ready to close, you’ll refer them to us for the personal solutions and trusted protection you can always count on!